COVID UPDATE: Appointments are available IN-OFFICE and VIRTUAL. Please choose whichever best fits your needs. 
IMPORTANT: If you reside outside the state of Michigan, VIRTUAL appointments are not available. Dr. Sue is licensed in the state of Michigan only.

Skin Health

“Trying to resolve our child’s eczema felt overwhelming like I was missing something and needed to dig deeper. When I went to our pediatrician’s office, I was disappointed they told me to use over-the-counter topical steroids. The allergist said it wasn’t eczema from food; it was dermatitis from clothing. I was totally confused as a mother. It’s so hard, but you have to put your trust in someone. Dr. Sue answered all my lingering questions. After following the health plan for a few months, her eczema started to clear. Now there’s no sign of eczema or any eczema flare-ups in the past seven months. I love Dr. Sue’s simple drug-free approach and sleep better at night knowing I have done everything in my power to set our child up for lifelong vitality and health!”– Nikki Polce

To help your child optimize skin health naturally,


Pediatric Holistic Medicine
2350 Washtenaw Ave #16,
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 224-9663

Office Hours:
Tuesday: 10am – 6pm
Thursday: 10am – 6pm

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